วันเสาร์ที่ 5 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2557

Vintage sugar Easter eggs

I remembered that I have my mothers sugar Easter eggs. She would put these out every Easter when I was young.  I was always  fascinated with them.   When I pulled them out today one didn't hold up to well.  They have seen better days since she wrapped them with paper towels and put them in a box.    The sugar bunny was completely  broken to pieces.  All of the remaining ones have some kind of damage to them.   I decided to put them on a tray on the kitchen island. Here is what they look like.

I am not sure how to store them.  I know that they are over 50 years old.  Are they worth saving?



Formal Living Room Part 1

I am excited that I have finally got one side of my formal living room done (except for a few touches like curtain panels, etc.). I hav...