วันอังคารที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Fall front porch finally done!!

I finally got my front porch done this weekend.  Here are some of the pictures. This is the birdbath in the front of the house that I put flowers in since it leaks.
Those pesky squirrels keep nibbling at my pumpkins.  This is the first year that I have had a problem with them.  Here is the lamp post out front.  I was going to put pumpkins in front of it but I didn't want them to get stolen since it is by the sidewalk.
Here is my wheel barrow this year.  I think that I might have gone a little overboard this year.

Next is a close up of one of the baskets that in on my front porch railing.
The next two pictures are of the swag on the railing by the front steps and  underneath my light on the garage. We have three of them.  I didn't want to take a picture of the garage doors as there is a paint sample for the new colors we are going to paint the house.  We have a bad hail storm here late in August and ruined the roof, the siding and our landscaping.

The last two pictures are one of the pumpkin topiaries that I made by the front door and a shot of the front porch peak.  I have a topiary on each side of my front door.  It is hard to get a good picture as our front door faces the railing.

Hopefully next time I can get my basement bathroom done and get the pictures posted.  Happy Fall everyone.




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