วันเสาร์ที่ 29 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Spring front porch part 3

Finally, finally, finally got the front porch done this morning.  The pillows for the chairs arrived yesterday and I couldn't wait to get them on the porch.  I started at 7:30 this morning getting the final touches done.  Of course this will be only time that my porch will look like this.  Where I live you get a lot of wind so if it is not weighted or strapped down it will blow away.

So here is what I did.  This picture shows the ceiling painted.  It used to be the same color as the house.  I would have liked it to be a very light blue but I would have to get it approved by the HOA.  Here is what the porch looked like before.  It is dull and one of the cushions kept blowing off so I removed it for the winter.
Now here is the after.

 Now for some close ups.

Here is the bench before I downsized it.
And the after

Now here is what it will look like until I change it out for Summer.

I wish that we had a screened in porch than I could leave everything out and not worry about it blowing away.  The next project here will be replacing the ugly storm door.  I tried not to get it in the pictures too much.  It is getting replaced in the middle of April.  I decided not to put a wreath up since last year I had a house finch make her nest in it.  Once the new door is installed I can put my wreath up.  

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!

วันศุกร์ที่ 28 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

I finally have the new cushions

I got the new cushions for the front porch delivered last night.  The pillows will be delivered today.  I can't wait to get this porch done.  Now all I need to find is a new doormat.  Why has this been so difficult to find what I want?  I hate to order everything online because it takes so long to get it versus finding it at a local store.  There are a few more stores I need to check out.

Here is a sneak peek at the table and chairs. 

I will get the post done this weekend.  It is going to be in the 60's tomorrow and the 70's on Sunday.  Makes me want to go out and plant flowers but I know better.  In Colorado we still get snow in May.  You have to wait until the end of May to do your planting. Have a great weekend everyone!!

วันพุธที่ 26 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Spring front porch part 2

I finally got the bench done yesterday.  This morning I got the back area of the front porch decorated.  I am still waiting for the cushions and pillows that will go with the table and chairs so they are not on the porch yet. I guess there will be a part 3.  The cushions are supposed to be here tomorrow and the pillows were just shipped out yesterday.

Here is the bench.
Here is the before picture.  The bench is black with green.  I have had this bench for twelve years.  We have another one on the back porch.  I might just cut it down too.  My hubby cut the slats and the cast iron back for me.  Of course something always has to go wrong.  One little piece of the iron broke off so I had to glue it back on.  I painted the cast iron parts bronze metallic and the slats almond.

Now for the decorations.  Love this look.

More pictures.

I just love all these colors.  Since the trees and flowers haven't bloomed yet this is the next best thing.  The bench was four feet wide and now it is 30 inches wide.  More like an over sized chair.  I always painted the table. It was the same color as the bench.  I like the bronze color much better.  It will go better with the table and chairs now.  Check back at the first of the month for part 3.


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 23 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Ready for Spring

Well, I did not get the front porch done today like I wanted to.  I thought for sure that I could get the bench done but it is taking to long and of course something has to go wrong.  I couldn't work on it yesterday after work because it was snowing. I did get the sides painted and the slats also but I am having a problem with the back piece.  I will work on it after work tomorrow and hopefully can finish it before the weekend.  I really need to get the front yard cleaned up.

The only thing that I got done on the porch was decorating the hanging basket by the door.  So here it is.
Now a close up.
I also got the hutch in the basement dressed up for Spring.

Here is a close up of the top.
Now a close up of the shelves.  I had to use a flash to get the best picture so this looks a little lighter in color than it really is.
I got this cute basket from Decor Steals that I thought would look good in the basement bathroom.  Now it is finally finished.  Right now I put some faux ferns in it but will probably decorate it for the seasons. 

That's it for now.  Crossing my fingers that my next post will be "Spring front porch part 2".


วันเสาร์ที่ 22 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

My front porch part 1

I am embarrassed to show these pictures of my front porch.  After Christmas is over it looks pretty bad.  It is hard to decorated in between Christmas and Spring as our winters get pretty windy in my neighborhood.  We live near the foothills which means more wind and snow than the rest of the metro usually gets.

Last weekend I cleared off everything to paint the ceiling and give it a good scrubbing.  I still need to do something with the concrete ( it is ugly).  I want to get a new welcome mat also.  I am going to be revamping the bench, I have ordered new cushions and pillows for the patio set.  You would think that living in the Denver metro area you would be able to find what you want instead of having to order online.  I went to several different places and just could not find what I wanted.  I might even purchase a rug for the porch.  Here is the before pictures and I am sorry to say that I still don't have any after pictures yet.  If I get stuff done this weekend they will be on the next post. On Saturday we are open until 2 pm and of course today we have to get our taxes done after work so I probably won't get too much done today.  Plus it is cold today with snow later on this afternoon.  Looks like Sunday will be busy for me.

I painted the ceiling the same color as the trim.  I really wanted to paint it a light blue but I am sure that our HOA would complain since I did not get it approved.  That's they only thing I hate about this house is the HOA.  They are the pickiest one we have ever had.  They also like to  take their time on approving items since they have  30 days to do so.

Here is some pictures of what I was playing around with last year.  All I had on the porch at the time was the bench.  We purchased the chairs and tables last summer.  I will still use the dog, boots and lantern this year also plus adding a few more touches.

 Let's see what I can get done on Sunday.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Goodwill finds and Decor Steals

Recently I found a few items at Goodwill and at Decor Steals.  I find that I can't pass on a good deal.  I just love Decor Steals.  I seem to be addicted to their site.  Here is what I received lately.  I am still waiting on a few more items.  I just love these wooden trays, not sure where I am going to put these yet.
 I love roosters so I couldn't pass on this rooster fountain.  As you can see Kolby couldn't resist it either.  I think that I will put this on the front porch.

I found a few decorative items at Goodwill the other day.  I want to use the corbels on the fireplace in the living room.  I want to re-tile it and maybe add an hearth.  The metal hanging planter I think will look good on the back deck and the yellow container will probably go in the dining room.
The other things that I found were these beautiful amber glass plates.  I have a fruit bowl that was my mothers.  I can remember her having this when I was little.  She always had fruit in it on the dining room hutch and later on she put mini candy bars in it.  I thought that these plates coordinated well with the bowl even thought the pattern is not the same.

Now my next project is the bench on the front porch.  We have two of them, one on the front porch and one on the back porch.  We got these about twelve years ago.  They have gone from natural to green and now to black.  I think it is time to freshen the one on the front porch.  Hopefully I will get it done this weekend.  I will keep my fingers crossed.  Here is the bench as it looks now.

วันอังคารที่ 18 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Remembering my parents

Today I am remembering my mother.  It was a year ago today that she went to Heaven.  I miss her dearly.  I lost my father back in 1996.  He and I shared the same birthday.  My birthdays don't seem the same without him. I got the share 30 birthdays with him before he passed.  Both of my parents were in their early 40's when I came along so I was glad to at least have my mother around for so long.  She just would have been 91 in May.

I went yesterday to put flowers on their graves since I knew that it would be cold today.  And sure enough it is snowing right now. 

I miss both of them very much.  I wish that we could have had more time together.  Being adopted I could not been given any better parents.   The were the best.  Thank you mom and dad for a great childhood and adulthood.

วันจันทร์ที่ 17 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Spring dining room

I was able to purchase two more of the bunny egg plates at Pier 1 Imports yesterday so I got the dining room table finished.  I usually like to decorate the chandelier but the arrangement fills the space quite nicely.  Here are the results. Please ignore the table in the corner with the plants on it.  It is only there temporally until I can find them a new home.

I bought the napkins thinking that they will look great for summer but I also think they work for spring too.

Now I need to concentrate on my outdoors.  I got the front porch cleaned off and the ceiling painted on Sunday.  I had to order new cushions for the chairs as I could not find anything I liked at the stores.  Hopefully for my next post I will have the bench on the front porch transformed.


Formal Living Room Part 1

I am excited that I have finally got one side of my formal living room done (except for a few touches like curtain panels, etc.). I hav...